Linux Structures

Linux Directory Structures in General

 * /: Indicates the highest hierarchy of ditektori Linux system where the directory is in charge of the directory / usr, / home, / mnt, and other directories such as the picture above.

* / bin: contains a program that contains commands that are used by regular users such as the ls command (showing the contents of a directory, cd (for change directory).

* / sbin: contains a program that contains the commands used by the super user such as ifconfig (shows information about the network card / network devices installed on the machine).

* / home: contains data from the users listed in the computer / machine in question.

* / usr: contains a package of programs, documentation, configuration, applications, libraries and source Linux applications.

* / opt: contains an application which can be accessed by all users (nearly equal to / usr / sbin /.

* / root: a "home" her superuser / root / administrator.

* / tmp: temporary stands for the directory provided when needed temporary space to do the job, for example when processing the burn cd image (iso file) by default put into this directory before the burn to cd.

* / etc: the general configuration file is a directory where a variety of services and programs that are installed in the system.

* / mnt: device information installed (mounted) on the computer.

* / var: This directory contains a variety of data (Vary). Change data in the current system is very fast. Such data exist for a short time. Because it is always changing not allow stored in a directory like "/ etc". Therefore, this data is stored in the var directory.

* / boot: contains information relating to the device and service that is run when the computer is booting (the computer of dead / alive off / on)

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